Available spots
Service Description
Registration for the course has ended. The course is fully booked. There is another opportunity here. You can register for the course recordings at half price, The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud will appear in print in January 2024. The aim of this ongoing theoretical seminar will be to study selected works in the revised translation, volume by volume, in order to re-assess Freud’s classical concepts in the light of modern neuroscience. Participants will register for one year at a time (10 seminars per year) and will be sent pdfs of the selected works in advance of each seminar. The Freud papers will then be taken ‘as read’, and Mark Solms (the editor of the Revised Standard Edition) will present his thoughts on the selected paper, for one hour, followed by an hour of discussion with the seminar participants. This exciting series promises to bring you up to date with the latest thinking in our field, and to help lay the foundations for the scientific direction of psychoanalysis in the 21st Century. The course is limited to 50 participants The first seminar series will focus on the following ten papers: 1. Some Points for a Comparative Study of Organic and Hysterical Motor Paralyses (1893) 2. The Neuropsychoses of Defence (1894) 3. Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895), Part 1: General Scheme 4. Studies on Hysteria (1895), Chapter 4: The Psychotherapy of Hysteria 5. The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), Chapter 7: The Psychology of the Dream Process 6. The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901) 7. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905) 8. Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious (1905), Chapter 6: The Relation of Jokes to Dreams and to the Unconscious 9. ‘Civilized’ Sexual Morality and Modern Nervous Illness (1908) 10. Notes upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis (1909)
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