An Evolutionary Perspective
Neuropsychoanalysis: An Evolutionary Perspective
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Service Description
Ethology, sociobiology and evolutionary psychology study animal and human behavior in the light of evolutionary theory. Naturally these disciplines aspire to base their findings on neurophysiology. Acquaintance with animals and their inner life is therefore a natural step also for the development of neuropsychoanalysis. This is the offer of the following 10 meetings. 14.4.24 – A brief introduction to evolutionary theory from Darwin onwards. Natural selection, phylogeny and ontogeny. Modern revisions: selfish genes, epigenetic inheritance and the current biome revolution. Neoteny and the uniqueness of Homo sapiens. 12.5.24 – What is life? Schrodinger's seminal book revisited. The roles of energy, entropy and information underlying all life processes are explained in a simple, non-technical manner, anticipating their use in Freud's early formulations. 9.6.24 – Evolution of behavior: The innate mechanisms of reflex and instinct, as opposed to environment-guided learning. Sex and aggression, release vs. inhibition mechanisms. The super-stimulus in animals and humans. 14.7.24 – Human sexuality. Virginity, menstruation, latency and other intrigues unique to Homo sapiens. Freudian and post-Freudian formulations of sexuality. 11.8.24 – Social interactions. Lorenz & Tinbergen's studies of Imprinting, parenting and bonding across vertebrates. Bowlby’s model of attachment in humans. 8.9.24 – Introducing neurophysiology: Neuron, synapse, neurotransmitter. Reflex, instinct and learning. The brain's hierarchy and "archaeology": consecutive evolution of neural strata from brainstem to cortex, and their complex interactions thereof. 13.10.24 – Trauma and defense mechanisms. Trauma and the corticolimbic system (prefrontal cortices, amygdala, and hippocampus). What neural changes are brought about by therapy? 10.11.24 – Sleep and dreaming, in humans and animals, from the evolutionary perspective. REM and non REM, deprivation studies, dream and learning. Psychoanalytic theories. 8.12.24 – Reafference as a possible neural mechanism of therapeutic insight – the lecturer's own hypothesis. Why are there no pleasurable hysterical symptoms? Whence paradoxical intent? The reafference mechanism offers a unifying principle. 5.1.25 – Open questions: The riddle of consciousness, the mind-body problem. Is there free will? Here I indulge in speculations from my own expertise, quantum mechanics.
Booking Policy
Meetings will be held via Zoom video conference, and will be recorded. Cancellation is possible within 14 days from registration or up to 1 month before course start - the shorter of the two. If you're worried for your privacy please notify us in advance and refrain from sharing your video on zoom. Access to course materials will be avaliable for 3 years.
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